But the first prize must go to Magaran legal adviser Mohd. Khairul who outwitted everyone, got through the police cordon and took his sweet time strolling to the Istana Negara. This he managed to do without arousing any suspicion by ...
GMI bercadang untuk mengadakan perhimpunan membantah ISA pada 1 Ogos ini dan pada masa yang sama, Magaran yang dianggotai Majlis Permuafakatan Ummah (Pewaris), Perkasa dan beberapa badan-badan gabungannya turut bercadang untuk ...
And turn now to thealternative expression of "The bestate/b of XYZ, formerly living". This is abetter expression, I feel, in terms of precision in meaning. You see adeceased has to have a former life which has since left him for good. b....../b ORANG AWAM YANG MENGALAMI KERUGIAN/KECEDERAAN KERANA REMPUHAN PENYOKONG-PENYOKONG BODOH GMI SEMASA PERHIMPUNAN HARAM MEREKA 1 OGOS LALU, SILA BUAT ADUAN BERTULIS KEPADA bMAGARAN/b MELALUI EMAIL demorugi@gmail.com atau hubungi 012-9770412. ...